"Desperate sangat ke kita ni nak pergi event mixer macam tu? I tak desperate lagi...kenapa you pegi? Malulah, macam tak boleh cari boyfriend /girlfriend sendiri"
This is the typical feedback that we get from either people we invite to come to the mixer or friends to those who came to the mixer. Don't get us wrong, everyone is entitled to their opinions. If you are not desperate, then good for you. Enjoy your life and good luck on meeting new people at your own turf.
But, what if you don't? You met a lot of people but you still don't get anyone liking you or interested in you. You are decent looking, good family background with good education but no one seems available. Or you don't even know where single people are anymore. Everyone you know is either married, busy with their own life or drifted apart over the years. You bicker with your friends on where the single ladies or men are.
Allah has a plan for us all. On the 120th day of life, Allah gives us souls and ask the angels to write for us 4 things - our sustenance (rezeki), marriage (jodoh), qada & qadar and death, including the place where we will be buried.
''So, kalau Tuhan dah plan untuk I buat apa nak cari...tunggu je lah.'' Yes, we get this answer too." Ye ke? Jadi kalau Allah plan untuk kita jadi kaya, kita tak payah berusaha ya?" Hmmm.
As for him who gives (in charity) and keeps his duty to Allah and fears Him, and believes in Goodness, We will make smooth for him the path of ease. But he who withholds and thinks himself self-sufficient, denies Goodness, We will make smooth for him the path of evil. [Surah al-Lail (92):5-10]
“Adapun orang yang memberikan (menafkahkan hartanya) apa yang ada padanya ke jalan kebaikkan dan bertakwa (mengerjakan suruhan Allah dan meninggalkan segala laranganNya). Dan dia mengakui dengan yakin akan perkara yang baik. Maka sesungguhnya Kami akan memberikannya kemudahan untuk mendapat kesenangan (syurga). Sebaliknya orang yang bakhil (daripada berbuat kebaikkan) dan berasa cukup dengan kekayaan dan kemewahannya. Dan dia mendustakan perkara yang baik. Maka sesungguhnya Kami akan memberikannya kemudahan untuk mendapat kesusahan dan kesengsaraan. ”
Enuf said. Allah wants all of us not to question what has been written for us, but to strive on to do good wills, deeds and forbade us to depend on it.
Hence we created a platform for single people to search other singles in hopes of finding a suitable partner/marriage. InsyaAllah, it is a start to meet new people and friends.It is a step forward and one of your efforts to finding your potential match. You never know what has been planned for you ;)
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