Coaching class for women on how to find your guy :)

Hi everyone. Hope everyone is doing great and congrats to BN for winning the latest GE here in Malaysia.

Anyway, now that is over, we would like to inform that we are starting a coaching session for women (in Putrajaya) on how to be more approachable towards men, how to attract men, review your love life history and be more proactive in your daily life and love life.

If you find yourself:
  • Wanting to find a boyfriend or start a serious relationship within the next year
  • Your love life is almost non existent
  • You can't seem to find the guys you want
  • You keep attracting the wrong men
  • Stuck in the friend zone
  • 'Being yourself' doesn't work or you are tired being yourself
  • You are desperate
  • You need to feel confident
and so much more, than insyaAllah we can help to coach you become a better you, a more valued person, more sociable and whatever your potential maybe.

If you are interested, do let us know. Simply email to for any questions with regards to this coaching class and we'll help you find out whether this class is what you've been looking for.
*Classes with be held in Putrajaya

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